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National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine


About National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine

National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine is located at Karla Marksa, 31, Irpen, 02800. Visit their website asta.edu.ua for more detailed information.

University IV level of accreditation, which trains bachelors, specialists, masters.



National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine - university IV level of accreditation, which trains bachelors, specialists, masters. National University is the basic institution of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
The University is located on 23 hectares of park area 25 km from Kyiv in the picturesque town Irpene.
After the glorious way: College - College - Institute - Academy - National Academy - National University, the school with long history has become a unique higher educational institution of Ukraine at the beginning of the third millennium.
Taking into account national and international recognition of the educational institutions, his significant contribution to the development of national education and science August 23, 2006 the Cabinet of Ukraine № 472-p the National Academy of State Tax Service of Ukraine converted to National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
At 6 departments: Accounting and Economics, Finance and Banking, Economics and Taxation, Law, Correspondence, Tax Police are trained over 12 thousand boys and girls. The University also operates the Department of Military Training. Correspondence Department Branches operating in the cities of Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Simferopol, Storozhynets (Chernivtsi region), Kamenets (Khmelnytsky region)..
During its existence the school has trained almost 60 thousand highly qualified specialists.
The structure of the National University of Tax Service of Ukraine functions of Kyiv Finance and Economics College, Institute of Postgraduate Education. Research Institute of Finance and Research Center on taxation.
The University great pedagogical potential of highly skilled teachers - 5 academicians, 65 doctors, 250 candidates, 63 professors and 176 associate professors.
Important role in the learning process plays a library book fund which has more than 350 thousand copies.
School has a postgraduate course, specialized training council Ph.D. in economics and law.
The University is headed by the rector, Petro Volodymyrovych Melnyk, doctor of economic sciences, professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine. Author of over 100 scientific papers, several monographs, textbooks and teaching aids.
The main areas of scientific activity P.V. Melnik is the problem of economic and legal security of tax policy.
P.V. Melnik was awarded the Order of Merit III and II levels, the medal "For Labour Distinction" for outstanding services to the Ukrainian people - the diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the breastplate of STA of Ukraine "For meritorious service" of.
Due to its scientific and political vision P.V. Melnik brought up the university on the level of international cooperation. A constructive scientific links with several international organizations, educational and scientific institutions of Russia, France, Spain, Poland, USA, Germany and other countries.
The University operates the scientific community of students and cadets. The Participants repeatedly winning national and international conferences. Among them are registered and scholarship. Already become traditional Irpins'ka international teaching reading.
Faculty members involved in training the experimental introduction of credit-modular system of educational process. In universities there Coordinating Council, whose functions include maintenance and generalization of results of implementation of the Bologna Declaration.
The university established the appropriate material and technical base, which includes the modern academic buildings, dormitories, a sports complex with fitness centers, dining rooms, youth café, health of, a residential complex for staff and teachers.
In 1999, the campus was built at the center of spiritual education - Church of St. Nicholas.
University celebrated democratic system of life of students. In this regard, is the Student Parliament with broad rights in the organization of training and life of students, her leisure, participation in public life, science, amateur art, sports events and more.
Culture and Arts "Constellation" National University of Tax Service of Ukraine - 20 different genres of creative groups and studios, a celebration of music, poetry and dance. The creative team is well known in Ukraine and in Poland, Cyprus, Germany, Spain, USA and Canada.
Known around the world and athletes who are trained and educated at the University. Among the students - 100 masters and candidate masters of sports, 20 masters of sports of international class, who are members and Olympic medalists, university Games, world championships, Europe and Ukraine.
Rages of life in the National University of Tax Service of Ukraine and around it. Visit us and you will feel like a member of the steep and interesting events.


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