About Cereals and Other Produce Board of Tanzania
Cereals and Other Produce Board of Tanzania is located at P.O. Box 337, Dodoma, Tanzania
The Cereals and Other Produce Board of Tanzania (CPB) is a business entity enacted in Tanzania by the Cereals and Other Produce Act No. 19 of 2009. CPB has branch offices in Mwanza, Arusha, Dodoma, Iringa and Dar es Salaam. The Branch Offices have storage facilities with the capacity to store more than 100,000 Metric Tons of produce at once. CPB owns modern facilities with advanced cereals technology meant for cereals cleaning, drying, grading, milling and packaging; these facilities are located at Gangilonga in Iringa and Unga limited in Arusha. In addition there are facilities for wheat milling and oilseed extraction in Arusha. In addition CPB is in the process of establishing a state of the art maize milling and sunflower oil processing facilities at Kizota industrial area in Dodoma to cater for Central Zone areas.
CPB is mandated to do business on Cereals and Other Produce in Tanzania and beyond boarders; trading on cereals and other produce at a competitive price while considering farmers’ affairs; we are providing storage facilities to stakeholders in need at our premises. Other services include cereals milling, cleaning, drying, weighing, grading and packaging which are provided at our branches at competitive rates