About eMJee Consult
eMJee Consult is a company, located at Chole Road, Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salam, Tanzania. Visit their website www.emjee.biz, Twitter, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
eMJee Consult Tanzania Ltd. is a consultancy firm based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, that provides services in support of multiple sectors and to a wide range of actors. Sectors:Water Sector Development Initiatives (urban and rural water supply and IWRM)Natural Resource Management (forestry and management of flood planes)Sustainable Business DevelopmentGovernance & Social Accountability (Support to civil society and government: strengthening of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and National and Local government to become equal partners in dialogue, through social accountability, institutional and organisational development (ID/OD) and capacity building. Promoting strong links between national and local initiatives to ensure representation and bottom up advocacy. Support to private sector organisations is focused on training and coaching in sustainability reporting and mainstreaming; stakeholder engagement and development of mitigating measures for social and environmental risks.Services and support vary from short-term assignments such as training, surveys, pre-studies and evaluations, to longer-term assignments such as facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes, coaching and back stopping of programs. eMJee Netherlands is based in Utrecht engages with a variety of international clients who look for consultancy support mostly in Africa. These services vary from oversight missions for Norda Stelo in support of the establishment and training of WUA in irrigation schemes in Morocco and Burkina Faso, and support to MCA in Niger, all funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. eMJee Netherlands has worked on IWRM and agricultural water management in Rwanda (water for growth), Burundi and in the Usangu flats in Tanzania. In Guinee, the work consisted of supporting the institutional setup to implement the irrigation masterplan for the country. eMJee has been involved in the independent verification of PbR in the rural water sector in Tanzania.