0 Restaurant Taiwan Cifadahan Traditional Amis Restaurant No. 16號, Lane 62, Daquan Street, Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976
0 Cafe Taiwan Sow the seeds of coffee plantations No. 88號, Xingchan Road, Lugu Township, Nantou County 558
0 Bakery Taiwan Ruby夫人 吃做買 食品原料 堅果專賣 烘焙器具 包裝器材 中西食材 咖啡豆 咖啡器具 餐廳 下午茶 咖啡輕食 烘焙教室 廚藝教室 場地租借 團體包場 No. 50號, Yuandong Street, West District, Chiayi City 600
0 Lodging Taiwan 夢想家庭園音樂民宿 No. 55, Lane 100, Section 1, Yuanshan Road, Yuanshan Township, Yilan County 264