About Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica
Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica is located at 128 研究院路二段, Taipei City 115, Taiwan. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Guided by the profound vision of former President Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee and the founding Director Dr. Chi-Huey Wong, the Genomics Research Center (GRC) was established in 2003. After Dr. Wong was elected the President of Academia Sinica, Dr. Chung-Hsuan Chen had assumed the directorship and continued to build a strong research team from 2007 till July 2016. Currently, Dr. Shang-Cheng Hung is the director of GRC. The Center aims to translate its scientific discoveries from the research of genomics, proteomics, and glycomics to disease therapeutics and biomedical devices for precision healthcare and medicine.Composed of both senior scientists as well as energetic and talented junior researchers, GRC research team has expanded to more than 30 full-time faculty. Their specialties cover a broad range of fields from physics, chemistry, engineering, computation, biology, to medicine. Among the faculty, there is an excellent team of specialists to support technology development and to increase innovation capacity. These two unique features enable GRC to facilitate advanced interdisciplinary research. In addition to these research staff, two other tremendous talent pools, Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) and joint research fellows, complement the Center and its research projects perfectly. All AAC members are renowned scientists in the world who advise GRC on both research and strategic planning regularly. Joint research fellows from major research institutes in Taiwan are also a very valuable asset for the projects involving interdisciplinary effort.To foster young and promising students to join the field of advanced research, GRC currently has joint graduate programs with several top universities . GRC faculty also participate in the Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) and other domestic degree programs collaborated between Academia Sinica and local universities. The broad scope of research interests within GRC gives students, research assistants, and postdoctora