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About EROS Hair styling

EROS Hair styling is a bar, located at 信義區松仁路28號305室(EROS), Taipei, Taiwan 11073. They can be contacted via phone at +886287862099, visit their website eroshair.com for more detailed information.

EROS Hair Styling

Bellavita信義旗艦: +886 2 8786-2099



EROS Salon 由紐西蘭籍設計師 Barrie Ahearn 及 Andy 於 1988 年創立於台北東區名人巷,把專業、前衛、藝術的概念帶進台灣美髮界,在台灣創造新的髮藝時尚潮流及髮型設計師價值,1992 年由Andy 領軍進駐甫落成於的台北敦化南路遠企 shopping mall ,開啟了高級 Salon 與時尚精品共榮的創舉,並引進了技術師制度(Technician 染燙設計師),在台灣建立技術分工專業的先河。
陸續 2003 年 Andy 個人創作書『玩美』發表及『存在』人文主題攝影展,以及2004年的EROS十年大秀,階段性的展示了EROS在髮藝時尚及人文藝術面的旺盛企圖及關懷廣度;接著2005 年EROS在台北喜來登飯店17F 設立 了EROS Luxury,2006 年4月 EROS Hair-Styling 成立旗艦店於台北東區大安路,時為亞洲最大髮廊並傳為佳話。
2009年EROS以眾多亞洲巨星剪綵的超大排場,風光進駐台北頂級商場 BELLAVITA在EROS在希臘神話中則代表了古典美麗與愛的象徵。EROS偌大空間裡只提供少數座位,回歸精緻、質感路線,並添加了科技軟硬體、服務系統升級,專業奢華中更不忘在細節中打破沙龍規格,創造出由EROS Hair-Styling 引領的頂級髮廊規格,更高的服務質感與時尚美學。
2011年EROS 推出時尚生力軍EROS敦南店 ,座落於年輕潮流的東區;儉約摩登的白色獨棟建築以灰、白、銀三色,大量使用鋁、水泥、鏡子為基本元素,並以開放式設計製造流動的空間與透明感,佐以巧妙的光線,創造出俐落設計的前衛科技風格。
2013年EROS 高雄大立精品館5F推出「EROS高雄大立旗艦店」,延續旗艦店的頂級風格,將EROS對時尚髮藝的敏銳及專業注入南台灣並掀起旋風。
2016年1月 EROS 於東區開設忠孝店沙龍,延續引領東區新銳潮流並預計於下半年開設EROS北京旗艦店,將EROS事業版圖延伸至大中國市場
EROS 屢在國際髮型賽事、髮型秀多有精彩表現及斬獲,囊括英國AIPP入圍肯定、英國NOISE秀、德國GOLDWELL、WELLA世界冠軍、國際髮品廠商及國內學界的髮型課程教授等等,在公益及異業活動上更有台北榮總93病房、高雄大港開唱義剪活動,BENZ、Tiger Airline 等等不勝枚舉的精采合作。EROS 也將持續創作Collection , 將對台灣及華人世界髮藝的關懷為使命,朝向社會型企業繼續努力。
EROS 因為不斷地舉辦髮型秀展示作品及創意,參與時尚活動、雜誌、唱片、電影、電視、藝術表演、大型典禮、國際髮品活動及教學等等不勝細數的合作, 精采的成就及創舉奠定了EROS 在亞洲及世界 Salon 業界不可取代的名聲與地位,並成為華語藝人指定合作的第一品牌,都源自於 Andy 及團隊共同的努力耕耘、人才培育、對髮藝的熱愛及美感的堅持,EROS 將放眼世界的為髮藝時尚努力,為 EROS Hair-Styling 不斷的創造新價值。

In 1988, Zealand hair designers, Barrie Ahearn and Andy established "Eros Salon which was located at Lane 216 in Eastern Area of Taipei City. Their expectations were to create new hair-styling arts and fashion as well as elevating the value of hair designers in Taiwan. In 1992, Andy led his team and opened the "Eros Salon" in the "Far East Shopping Mall" on Dun-Hua South Road in Taipei. "Eros Salon" initiated the precedent of combining luxury salon and fashion boutique. In 1999, "Eros Salon" joined with "Oriet 4 Salon" from Hong Kong to form business alliance, and "Eros 4" was born. In 2001, in order to establish a new force in Asia, the business name has once been changed back to "Eros” as a brand name by absorbing contemporary, and important hair designers.

In 2003, Andy continued to publish the book "Play Beauty" and held "Existence" photography exhibition. In addition, Eros held the big 10-year fashion show in 2004 to demonstrate the vigorous aggression and wide attention in hair-styling fashion and arts of humanities. In the following 2005, "Eros Luxury" was open at 17th Floor of Taipei Sheraton Hotel. In April, 2006, "Eros Salon Flagship Store" was established at the existing location on Ta-An Road in Eastern Area of Taipei City.

During the last 20 years, Eros continually held hair-styling fashion show to reveal styles and creations. It dynamically participated in fashion activities, magazines, music albums, movies, TV programs, performing arts, international hair-styling exhibition, and other varieties of events. The inspiring achievements and initiative indicated the implacable status in the salon business, and became the number one designated Salon service partner by Chinese actors and entertainers. The great achievements were contributed by Andy and Eros' team with their enthusiasm and aesthetic persistence in hair-styling fashion. Eros will position itself with global vision to make effort in hair-styling fashion to consistently strengthen the value of "Eros Hair Styling.

In 2009, Taiwan's most upscale department store BELLAVITA was opened, and EROS grand opening welcomed many super stars in Asia in 2010. As BELLAVITA in Italian, means “a beautiful life”. In Greek mythology ”EROS” represents the symbol of classical beauty and love. BELLAVITA’s business philosophy is the right path for EROS, the huge empty space to mention only the little seat, return to fine, texture line, to pay attention to texture the top customer service and add a warm atmosphere in the service element. It is to escape the past, produced as luxury sense of distance, to create texture of life belonging to Taiwan's high aesthetic. EROS and Andy enhance themselves to stay at a certain height, as EROS brings innovation and competition to stimulate the hair industry and progressiveness, which always is EROS mission.

In the year of 2011, after twelve months of careful planning and million capital spending, EROS Hair-Styling has finally completed the construction of our newly designed EROS Dunan Store and we are truly excited to recommend this newly furnished location to our large population of customers. Apart from the luxurious and classical style of our flagship store Bellavita, Dunnan Store is located on the east side of Taipei city, embracing the most up to date young trend of fashion. The design of the buliding is based on simplicity and modernism, which we believe our customers will really appreciate. To reflect such design principles, we introduced elements of aluminum, cement, and mirror in our store to create the flow of open space and transparency. Combining these elements with a scent of light, we believe that Dunnan store has established a peaceful atmosphere, setting the store apart from the fast living pace associated with east side of Taipei. All of these efforts to stay away from a luxurious atmosphere are EROS's dedication to our customers to create an environment in which our customers can honestly relax and enjoy their moments of getting their hair style designed perfectly right. We also hope that our returning customers will observe that EROS is constantly striving for improvments and will continue to visit us!

In 2013, EROS Hair-Styling salon will be teaming up with many expert stylists and new born designers who have worked in EROS in the past to once again provide excellent hair styling services to our broad audiences. With this vision, EROS Hair-Styling anticipates to open another flagship store in Koahsiung by the end of the year to serve our long missed customers in Southern part of Taiwan and to continue support the excellence and growth of hair fashion in taiwan and Asia region.


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  • Monday 11:00 - 20:00
  • Tuesday 11:00 - 20:00
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  • Friday 11:00 - 20:00
  • Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
  • Sunday 11:00 - 20:00