About 紐澳國際
紐澳國際 is located at 西屯區, Taichung, Taiwan 407
紐西蘭境內有不少由蜜蜂採集於麥盧卡樹花蜜所製成的麥盧卡蜂蜜,內含獨特的麥盧卡因子Manuka Factor (UMF)對人體有良好的健康功效。成為非常熱銷的美容護膚產品和健康保健品
Comvita (康維他)
紐西蘭蜂蜜大廠康維他(Comvita)由創辦人克勞德‧斯特福拉特(Claude Stratford)在63歲的那一年,於家中的地下室開始製造及販售一系列蜂製品。創建七十多年來,始終堅持最初的理念:"要關心社群,生產有效益的天然產品,並必須對環境負責,讓世世代代得以享用"。因此傳承,康維他現今已是紐西蘭蜂製品的領先品牌之一,並全心投入多種研究、採集、優化,創造出有持續效能的天然蜂產品。此外,榮登百歲人瑞的克勞德,更是使用天然蜂營養保健品的最佳活見證,其日常養身秘訣即為補充適量蜂花粉、麥盧卡蜂蜜、橄欖葉精華和Omega 3膠囊。
Why UMF® Manuka Honey?
UMF stands for ‘Unique Manuka Factor’. The UMF grading system appraises natural markers found in Manuka honey, and assures purity & quality.
Comvita’s own research has significantly contributed to the science supporting identification of genuine Manuka honey. There are many unique plant phenols and other compounds that clearly distinguish Manuka honey from other honey types*. Ensuring that these natural markers are present confirms product authenticity.
Please see www.umf.org.nz for further information on the grading system and UMF® quality mark.