KaShali Pro-Learning High School
About KaShali Pro-Learning High School
KaShali Pro-Learning High School is a school, located at Manzini,Ngwane Park, Manzini, Swaziland, M200. They can be contacted via phone at +268 7611 8139, visit their website www.prolearning.ac.sz for more detailed information.
Ka-Shali Pro-Learning High School is an independent Christian school which consists of a Science and Commercial (Business Studies) stream.
Ka-Shali Pro-Learning High School is an independent Christian school which consists of a Science and Commercial (Business Studies) stream. It is based in Swaziland in the commercial hub called Manzini at Ngwane Park (Ka-Shali) next to Mkhiweni bus station. The main objective for the school is to prepare students for entry into universities to pursue careers in Science, Engineering, Medicine, Information Technology and Business. It is therefore compulsory for students to participate in Science fairs organized by the Swaziland Science Teachers Association (SSTA), and other science and technology – oriented organisations. Students are also encouraged to carry out and present a research project on any science and technology or business topic.
The school obtained position 21 in the 2016 Swaziland General Certificate of Secondary Education (SGCSE) examination.
The programs that are offered are:
SGCSE (Form 1 to 5) from the University of Cambridge.
GRADE 10 to 12 (CAPS) – Matric
Form 3 and 5 (IGCSE &SGCSE) upgrading
Grade 12 (Matric) upgrading
Adult Classes for form 1- 5 during the day & after work