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Open Door Studio


About Open Door Studio

Open Door Studio is a company, located at Macau. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Open Door Studio is a Macau-based creative agency with additional offices in Hong Kong. Expert in providing effective communications through engaging platforms, we offer a range of services including custom publishing solutions, marketing and advertising production, branding, photography and photographic production, editorial content, copywriting and translation. Created by a team of long-standing media professionals, boasting extensive global experience, Open Door Studio combines an international outlook with regional sensibilities.啓策工作室紮根澳門,近年積極拓展業務,於香港開設辦公室,提供的服務包羅萬有,從訂製出版、市場推廣、廣告製作、品牌行銷、 影像製作,以至編輯、文字撰稿及翻譯皆一應俱全,為廣大客戶的出版事務定策。啓策工作室的專業團隊擁有多年從事媒體行業的豐富經驗,可準確掌握業界脈搏,而且人才輩出,匯聚本地智慧與國際視野,啓迪新思維。



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