About Goody-Shop Cambodia
Goody-Shop Cambodia is a store, located at 179, St:132, Sangkat Terk Laork I, Khan Toul Kouk, Phnom Penh. They can be contacted via phone at 016 333 660, visit their website instagram.com for more detailed information.
Goody-Shop Cambodia
Feel Good, Look Great
_Selling original Brand 100%
_Your order will be delivered free at the purchase of 30USD in PHNOM PENH, and 60USD in any provinces
(・_・) How to order (・_・)
_To order : Inbox Products' name / photo , Your Phone number , and Location to deliver
( ◜◡‾) Goody Shop (‾◡◝ )
_GOODYSHOP សាខាសន្ធរម៉ុក
_GOODYSHOP សាខាផ្លូវសីហនុជិតវិមានឯករាជ្យ
For more info :
_ LINE : leak99 / goodyshopcambodia
_TEL ☎ : 012333660 / 016333660 / 016333660 .