バッハの森 Bach Grove
About バッハの森 Bach Grove
バッハの森 Bach Grove is located at 茨城県つくば市東光台2-7-9, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 〒300-2635. They can be contacted via phone at 029-847-8696, visit their website www.bach.or.jp for more detailed information.
バッハの森は、バッハやヘンデルなど、バロック時代の偉大な音楽家が 作曲した宗教音楽に感動を覚える人々が、純粋にその面白さを追い求めて活動しているところです。
毎週1回、或いは隔週1回、合唱とハンドベルの練習、クラヴィコードとオルガン、チェンバロの個人レッスンなどの実技のクラスがあります。 同時に、バッハのカンタータやヘンデルの「メサイア」のような宗教音楽の歌詞を聖書にさかのぼって学びます。ただし、文化的、客観的アプローチによってその内容の理解に努め、個人的な信仰の有無は問題にしません。
入試や資格授与はありません。どのプログラムに参加するかは各自が自 由に選択します。バッハの森の活動に興味を持つ方ならどなたでも、いつでも入会できますし、退会も自由です。
Bach Grove is a center for sacred music from the Baroque era where music and words are comprehensively studied by those who have a great interest in inspiring works like Bach's cantatas or Händel's Messiah.
While every week there are classes of chorus and handbells, every other week private lessons of clavichord and organ, and harpsichord. In addition, several programs are held about chorales, cantatas or other sacred music like Händel's Messiah with study of their Biblical background. However, the Bible is studied by a cultural and objective approach, and any private belief is not dealt with.
The teaching staff is as follows:
Tomoo Ishida, Professor emeritus of Tsukuba University:the Biblical background of sacred music and the Bible
Tomoko A. Miyamoto, Professor of Ferris University:clavichord and organ lesson
Megumi Hiruma, singer:conductor of the choir
Hanako Kamogawa, harpsichordist:harpsichord lesson
Bach Grove has no entrance examination. Everybody can choose freely programs in which he or she wants to participate. Anybody who is interested in the activities of Bach Grove can become member anytime. At the same time, he or she can resign membership anytime.
An inquiry, please make to General Incorporated Foundation Bach Grove.