About Dot Technology
Dot Technology is a store, located at Jl. Prof HM Yamin SH Dalam No. 21, Medan, Indonesia 20234. They can be contacted via phone at +6282166071230, visit their website www.dottechonology.wordpress.com for more detailed information.
This is the offical Dot-Technology facebook page. Follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/dot_technology or visit our website at www.dottechnology.wordpress.com
Helo Guys..
Established on December 13th, 2011, Dot-Technology provide Information Technology products and variety of accessories focusing on cases, mouse, keyboards, external hard-disk, memory, speakers, printer, scanner and many more. We serve companies, offices, factories, schools, universities, banks, insurances company, until home users.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut :
- Silahkan langsung comment di foto
- Bole juga sms ke No.082166071230 atau pin bb 226448B2
- atau buat tanya2, bole inbox langsung.
Cara order & pembayaran :
- Order ke inbox (kode item, almt lngkap, kota, nama lengkap, nomor HP)
- Kami akan infokan total belanja & anda hanya perlu mentransfer ke rekening kami
- barang akan kami order dan kirim setelah pembayaran dilakukan.
- Harga belum termasuk ongkir
- Tarif ongkir dapat dilihat di http://www.jne.co.id/
KHUSUS UNTUK AREA MEDAN kami juga menerima COD (Cash On Delivery)
So, ditunggu yah guys pesanannya...
Happy Shopping Frenz......