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About PT Sumber Daya Timika Abadi

PT Sumber Daya Timika Abadi is a company, located at Jalan Malcon, Papua 99971, Indonesia. Visit their website www.sumberdayatimikaabadi.blogspot.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Conducting labor placement activities for a contract package for work, chartering work, providing labor, managing labor in probation as a means of selection in the recruitment or appointment of employees. Fulfilling temporary skills & unskilled workforce needs tailored to the time, type, and nature and helping personnel tasks so as to reduce the complexity of the company's management chain of service users.Advantages:• Eliminating Recruitment Costs.• Efficiency of money, such as telephone costs, making job advertisements and other administration.• Efficiency of time and labor, such as when applying for applications, calling participants for tests, psychotest and interviews.• Production Cost Efficiency.• Reducing the risk of layoffs.• Severance fees, especially for employees who have worked for a long time.• Cost of wisdom, such as employees who are laid off due to decreasing turnover / company orders.• Avoiding labor strikes and demonstrations.Benefits:• Service user companies can reduce operational costs, because companies when they no longer need labor do not need to issue funds related to the Termination of Employment policy.• Can minimize and alleviate the daily burdens that exist in the personnel department both in the administrative and management processes and can reduce the length and complexity of the management control chain.• With the outsourcing / labor contracting system we can overcome strikes, labor / labor demonstrations.• Basic salary still follows the standards that apply in the company but not under government standards.



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