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National Association of Indonesian Consultants (NAIC)


About National Association of Indonesian Consultants (NAIC)

National Association of Indonesian Consultants (NAIC) is a company, located at Jalan Bendungan Hilir Gang 10, Jakarta 10210, Indonesia. Visit their website www.inkindo.org, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

The National Association of Indonesian Consultants (NAIC) is an Association of Consulting Service Companies in Indonesia which was founded on June 20, 1979 in Jakarta, INKINDO is a fusion of the Indonesian Consultant Association (IKINDO) which was founded on February 10, 1970 and the Association of Indonesian Development Engineering Consultants (PKTPI).Currently, INKINDO has 6,252 (six thousand two hundred and fifty two) members of National Consulting Services companies and 120 (one hundred and twenty) Affiliated/Foreign companies spread across 34 Provinces. As an Association of Consulting Service Companies with National and International work areas, INKINDO has an important role in controlling consultancy services for construction and non-construction services.INKINDO Has a Road Map Towards INKINDO Gold 2030 which is a manifestation of INKINDO's efforts in facing challenges at the age of 50 years in 2029. The INKINDO Gold 2030 Roadmap is a blueprint and a grand design in the form of a time-based plan that defines the current condition of the INKINDO organization, where the ideal goals are for the intended conditions from a time perspective, and how to achieve those goals. The roadmap will be a visual representation that organizes and presents important information related to INKINDO's future plans.



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