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About NAM Flying School

NAM Flying School is a company, located at 33684, Indonesia. Visit their website www.namflyingschool.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

NAM Flying School is one of flying school in Indonesia that was located at Depati Amir Airport, Pangkalpinang, Province of Bangka Belitung. The Bangka Island is the main base and was chosen for the right climate condition and relatively flat terrain, making it suitable for flight training in visual flight rules and instrument flight rules.NAM Flying School is authorized by Directorate General of Civil Aviation of Indonesia by the issuance of PSC 141/009 in 2010 and all training are performed at the highest standards and safety level. After inaugurated by the Indonesian Minister of Transportation in 2012, up to 2015 NAM Flying School have graduated 185 pilots in 8 batch and still counting. Our gradate have been dedicating them self to the aviation world in airline, air charter and flying school all across Indonesia.We offer facilities such as dormitory, classroom, CBT, 3-axis simulator, basketball court, swimming pool, and the close distance to the apron (approximately 100 meters). Whether it is your dream or your hobby to fly, our training commitment is that you could become a commercial pilot and instrument rated in under 12 months.The training you will receive in NAM Flying School will be started in January or July each year and our promise to each trainee is to take personal care of everybody coming to fly with us. Welcome to a community of highly passionate staff! Everybody in NAM Flying School has as goal each trainee's success.



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