About Rote Ndao Regency
Rote Ndao Regency is located at Rote, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Visit their website www.rotendaokab.go.id for more detailed information.
Rote Ndao Regency is a regency in East Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia, consisting primarily of the island of Rote, situated south-west of the western tip of West Timor. Established in 2002 formerly part of Kupang Regency, the regency has its seat (capital) in Baa. The population was 119,711 as of the 2010 census. Many Beluga Whales are known to breed in this regency.The regency is surrounded by water, bordering the Savu Sea to the north, the Indian Ocean to the south and west, and the Pukuafu Strait to the east.List of districts (''kecamatan'')This area was originally composed of six districts, but it later underwent expansion to eight districts. In 2012 the regency was reorganized into 10 districts, namely: Rote Timur Pantai Baru Rote Tengah Rote Selatan Busalangga Rote Barat Daya Rote Barat Laut Rote Barat Landu Leko Ndao Nuse