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PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII


About PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII

PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII is a company, located at Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII is a consolidation of PT Perkebunan X (Persero) in Lampung and South Sumatera Province, development project of PT Perkebunan XI (Persero) in Lahat Sub District of South Sumatera Province, and development project of PT Perkebunan XXIII (Persero) in Bengkulu Province.Based on Government Regulation Number 72 Year 2014 dated 17 September 2014, concerning Addition of Capital Participation of RI into Capital Share of the Limited Company (Persero) PT Perkebunan Nusantara III then PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (Persero) which initially was SOE Plantation based on Government Regulation No. 12 year 1996 dated 11 March 1996 has been turned into PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII which fully complied to Law No. 40 Year 2007 on Limited Company, as stated on Notarial Deed No: 35 of Nanda Fauz Iwan, SH, M.Kn dated October 23, 2014 in regard with the Statement of Decision of the Company's Shareholders (Persero) PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII and has been approved by Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letters No. AHU- 10035.40.20.2014 Year 2014 dated 24 October 2014.Due to the addition of capital through State Capitall Investment ("PMN") the Company's Articles of Association was amended based onNotarial Deed No. 8 dated March 14, 2016 and has been approved by Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. AHU-0006225.AH.01.02 dated April 1, 2016 regarding to Approval of amendment of the Company's Articles of Association. Since its establishment until now, the Company's Articles of Association has been amended several times, and the most recent of which was based on the notarial deed as mentioned above.The company is engaged in plantation agribusiness with rubber, palm oil, tea and sugar cane commodities, located in three provinces, Lampung, South Sumatera and Bengkulu. The company also manages commodity processing plants that produce products such as RSS (Rubber Smoked Sheet), SIR (Standard Indonesian Rubber), CPO (Crude Palm Oil), Palm Oil, Palm Oil, Palm Cake, Orthodox Tea and Tea CTC, Sugar and Drops.



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