PT. Pelayaran Karya Lentari Perdana
About PT. Pelayaran Karya Lentari Perdana
PT. Pelayaran Karya Lentari Perdana is located at Balikpapan 76122. They can be contacted via phone at +62 542 7204132, visit their website for more detailed information.
PT. Pelayaran Karya Lentari Perdana | Marine Offshore
Was founded on 23 December 1996, the company provides marine service of vessels.
PT. Pelayaran Karya Lentari Perdana
Was founded on 23 December 1996, the company provides marine service of vessels.
These service is available for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week trough out the years to provide a convienence and undisturbed tenant’s operation.
PT. PELAYARAN KARYA LENTARI PERDANA is the sister company from PT. Royal Bersaudara, one of the Local Well-Known Company which runs its activity in distributing the Human Power of TOTAL E&P Indonesie.