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About WE.MIH Event Organizer

WE.MIH Event Organizer is a company, located at Jalan Universitas Brawijaya, Jawa Timur 65145, Indonesia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

WE.MIH Event Organizer is an event organizer that was established since February 2015 which originated from the subject project of "Creative Team Management" in the Department of Communication - Universitas Brawijaya. In the subject, the students are required to form an event organizer that can hold a unique and creative event, and can provide many benefits to related parties, especially the citizens of Malang.WE.MIH is an English acronym that is, "We Make It Happen". This means that we are a group of young people with unique and creative ideas that can realize a hope to be achieved and realized.Vision:"To build an ideas that can connect people by our event"Mission:Together we build successful events that can connect people ideas and create it as an professional event, memorable, creative, and reflect our own personal touch.WE.MIH Event Organizer consists of 20 young people who are divided into 4 divisions, namely Creative Conceptor, Sponsorship, Operational, and Media Planner. In our team is directed by the CEO who is accompanied by the Event Leader and also we have two sceretaries and one treasurer.CEO:Kun Muhammad AdiEvent Leader:Hasna SyahidaSecretary:Alia W. SilooyNinda RachmatulTreasurer:Ella Raisa ZenCreative Conceptor:Dyah Ayu Arum (Coordinator)Irfandyari Masya KLaily FandiaMuhammad ArhanThanta Fadhli D. I. S.Sponsorship:Diko Gharnis (Coordinator)Natasha Jeanne C.Rintasari MandalaOperational:M. Fachreza Manggala (Coordinator)Arman SofieLalu Aditya GhifariM. Fachry ChairuzanMedia Planner:Nurulfachmi Indriyani (Coordinator)Baiq Zurriyatin R. A.Gayatri Ayu G.



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