Kallshirt "Kaos Polos & Digital Sablon"
About Kallshirt "Kaos Polos & Digital Sablon"
Kallshirt "Kaos Polos & Digital Sablon" is located at kutisari, Surabaya, Indonesia 60291. They can be contacted via phone at 082226680555, visit their website kallshirt.com for more detailed information.
Kaos Polos & Digital Sablon
Menerima sablon digital (material ITALY), sablon manual, bordir, DTG.
Email: info.kallshirt@gmail.com
Hello guys, we are here to introduce you to our brand, Kallshirt!
What's Kallshirt? Kallshirt is a company who provides professional service for you to print your own design on your t-shirts! Imagine having your design on your own clothes, isn't it cool?
Just give us a call or anything at 085931203030 or add our pin 2B3CFA8A. We also have Instagram and twitter by the name Kallshirt.