Radio El-Shaddai FM
About Radio El-Shaddai FM
Radio El-Shaddai FM is located at Jalan Joyonegaran 3A, Surakarta 57129. They can be contacted via phone at +62271638549, visit their website for more detailed information.
Praise & Worship Station
Christian Music 24 hours Non Stop
Live Streaming:
El-Shaddai FM
Jl. Joyonegaran 3A, Widuran
Surakarta 57129
Jawa Tengah,Indonesia
Telp / Fax : +62 271-638549
On Air : +62 271 - 638777
Sms OnAir : 0855 2822 777
WhatsApp : 0855 2822 777
Blackberry : 211A777B
LINE ID : elshaddaifm
Email :
About El-Shaddai FM
El-Shaddai FM Radio Station On-air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Through El-Shaddai FM Radio Broadcast, you can listen to the Christian Contemporary Musics, Christian Praise and Worship songs, and also the sermons of Ps. Obaja Tanto Setiawan and the sermons of Pastor Staffs or El-Shaddai Praise Center.
El-Shaddai FM has introduced and affected thousands of people to Jesus and thousands more have re-dedicated their lives back to Christ as a result of listening to the station.