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About Boyolali Regency

Boyolali Regency is located at Boyolali, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Visit their website www.boyolalikab.go.id for more detailed information.



Boyolali is a regency in the eastern part of Central Java province in Indonesia. Its capital is Boyolali.GeographyThe capital city, also named Boyolali, lies 27 km to the west of Solo. The regency covers an area with approximately 1,015.10 km² Highest point: Mount Merbabu - 3,141 mBeside Mount Merbabu, the famous Mount Merapi is also located in this regency.Places of interest Mount Merapi, the most active volcano in Indonesia. Can be reach through Selo district. Umbul Tlatar, natural spring pool located 7 km to the north of Boyolali city. Umbul Pengging, natural spring pool at Banyudono district. Kedung Ombo Dam, mainly used for irrigations purpose. Woodball Course Tlatar, mainly Woodball Arena insede Umbul Tlatar area.AdministrativeBoyolali regency surrounded by other regencies: Klaten Regency and Yogyakarta province in the south; Sukoharjo, Karanganyar and Sragen regencies and Solo city in the east; Salatiga city and Grobogan Regency in the north; and Magelang Regency in the west.


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