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About Travelers Inn

Travelers Inn is a lodging, located at Jl. Aria Jipang No.6, Bandung 40115. They can be contacted via phone at 0224262442, visit their website www.travelersinn.id for more detailed information.

Travelers Inn merupakan private guest house yang baru selesai dibangun pada Mei 2015. Terletak di Jl. Aria Jipang No. 6 Bandung



Travelers Inn merupakan private guest house yang baru selesai dibangun pada Mei 2015. Terletak di Jl. Aria Jipang No. 6 yang berada strategis di sekitar jalan Ir. H. Juanda atau yang terkenal dengan Jl. Dago. 300m dari gedung Sate dan Lapangan Gazibu, 10 dari Factory Outlet Area Jl. Riau, 15 menit dari Bandara Husein Sastranagara dan stasiun Bandung.

Didesain dengan gaya modern yang minimalis nan asri membuat Anda akan merasa seperti di rumah sendiri. Memiliki Small Meeting Room dgn kapasitas maks 25pax dapat menjadikan kegiatan anda memiliki privasi yang sangat baik.

Dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas seperti televisi LED berikut saluran televisi kabel, pendingin ruangan untuk tipe kamar deluxe dan family. Tersedia juga fasilitas rental mobil, sepeda motor dan sepeda bagi Anda yang ingin menjelajahi kota Bandung. Bagi Anda yang tidak ingin repot, Travelers Inn juga menyediakan fasilitas Bandung city tour, Ticketing dan Booking Hotel.

Ayo booking segera dan rasakan kenyamanan nya.
Travelers Inn is a private guest house recently completed in May 2015. Located on Jl. Aria Jipang No. 6 are located strategically around the road Ir. H. Juanda or famous with Jl. Dago. 300m from the building Sate and Field Gazibu, 10 Area of Factory Outlet Jl. Riau, 15 minutes from the airport and station Sastranagara Bandung Husein.

Designed with a minimalist modern style of lush make you will feel right at home. Small has a Meeting Room with a capacity of max 25pax can make your activities have excellent privacy.

Equipped with various facilities such as the following LED television channel cable television, air conditioning for deluxe and family room types. There is also a car rental facility, motorcycles and bicycles for those who want to explore the city of Bandung. For those of you who do not want to bother, Travelers Inn also provides Bandung city tour, Ticketing and Booking Hotel.

Come booking soon and feel its comfort.


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