About Cijaringao Ecoland
Cijaringao Ecoland is located at Jl.Padasuka no.118, Bandung. Visit their website www.cijaringaoecoland.org for more detailed information.
Nature conservation and community development pilot project in Cijaringao, Bandung, Indonesia
Conservation :
Cijaringao Eco-Land is a pilot project of nature conservation for ground water preservation, using plantation method and other technology on 3,9Ha owned by government. Sociological sustainability solution for fruitful eco-friendly land needed to improve the function of the conservation site itself, so we have much more of a vision within our master plan to provide spaces for human culture and nature to blend in harmony.
Community Development :
There are several sub-urban communities that live around the conservation area (there are no inhabitants in the 3,9Ha site) that need their live to be improved into a prosper life. Come along with the improvement for a green solution, we walk with our true vision which "nature&culture in harmony" to provide societal assessments toward the community to search on their potential and help them improve their skills on creativity, art, entrepreneurship, and livelihood to synchronizing the growth of nature in conservation concept with culture in community development practice.
Collaboration :
We are holding hands together with government, disciplinary institutions, NGOs, Community Organizations, and local society to achieved mutual goals and make every effort and ideas for the goodness possible.