Excellent Education Centre
About Excellent Education Centre
Excellent Education Centre is a school, located at Jln.D.I. Panjaitan no.2c Kebun Handil, Djambi, Jambi, Indonesia 36137
Play, Learn and Grow Together with all capable Teachers.
Contact us:
Email: excellenteducentre@yahoo.com
HP: 08117407323
Telp: (0741)445025
Biaya pendaftaran :Rp50.000,-
Biaya Kursus per bulan: Rp175.000,-
seminggu 3x pertemuan.
* Kindergarten to Advanced
* Conversation & Private Class
Day: Monday s/d Saturday
*09.30-11.00 Am
*02.00-03.30 Pm
*03.30-05.00 Pm
*03.45-05.15 Pm
*05.15-06.45 Pm
Biaya pendaftaran :Rp50.000,-
Biaya Kursus per bulan: Rp175.000,-
seminggu 3x pertemuan.
* ALFA : usia 4-5 Tahun
* BETA : usia 5-6 Tahun
*GAMA : usia 6-7 Tahun
Pilihan Hari: Senin s/d Sabtu
Waktu: 10.30-12.00pm dan 14.00-15.30Pm