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About UNRI - Universitas Riau

UNRI - Universitas Riau is a university, located at Perguruan Tinggi Nasional, No. 88, Jakarta, Indonesia 888. They can be contacted via phone at 085920191988, visit their website www.mahasiswa.my.id for more detailed information.

Universitas Riau. Agen Distributor, Supplier, Jual-Beli. Hubungi Didi via whatsapp di 08117571988



Facilities in University of Riau

1. Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat-LPM (The Community Services Institute)

The main duties of this institute is to provide services to the communities within Riau Province, not only through social works but also through research development based on applied knowledge and technology. LPM also responsible in disseminating knowledge to special targets such as students, drop outs, villagers, teachers, housewives, small entrepreneurs and so on.

2. Pusat Pelatihan (Riau University Training Center)

The main purpose of RUTC is to provide trainings that can enhance the quality of community at large. RUTC covers five areas; agriculture, chemistry, biochemistry, biology and environment. In agriculture, for example, RUTC has provided trainings in irrigation management and operating agricultural machineries for farmers. And in biology, RUTC provided short courses on environment and dangerous waste materias, environmental impact analysis and environmental impact control.

3. Pusat Pengembangan Karir dan Kewirausahaan-P2K2 (Career and Enterpreneurship Development Center)

The establishment of P2K2 is intended not only to prepare graduates to develop their career plans but also to become the medium between the graduates and the employers. Services provided by P2K2 including: career and business consultancy services, trainings (computer, English, accounting), entrepreneurship training, job placement and internship.

4. Perpustakaan (Library)

As an important supporting institution, UR library continues to improve its services in providing academic resources (both print and electronic) for students and staffs. UR Library was established in 1962 in Pattimura Campus. In 1992, the main library moved to Bina Widya Campus and located in front of rectorate building.

With the advancement of technology, UR library has applied several online facilities, including computer-based catalog and digital form collection. Students and staffs can access this electronic resources through http://digilib.unri.ac.id.

Table 1. UR Library’s Collection
















Mini Thesis



Compact Disc









Journal/ Scientific Bulletin Journals/



World Bank Collections







10 (Publisher)




Source : UR Library, 2010

Besides the main library, each faculties also has its own libraries,specifically designed for students within each faculties.

5. Pusat Komputer-PUSKOM (Computer Center)

Puskom was established in November 8th 1989 strengtherend by a decree of the rector number 529/PT22.H/Q/1989. The existence of the Computer Centre for University of Riau is a must. Establishment of the Computer Unit to assist the UR in developing higher education in the era of technology and information at this time. In 1994, the central computer which turned into a Computer Unit was inaugurated by Rector Decree No.234/PT22.H/X/1994.

Puskom provide university-level computer service, which has the experience and information technology facilities, participate support the strategy and policy of the University of Riau in developing and improving the quality of the academic community resources, particularly in the field of information technology. One of the programs carried out is the operation of computer training.

Capacity owned by the University of Riau has increased very significantly. In 2007 University of Riau Internet bandwidth capacity available at 10 Mbps and from 2009 has been upgraded to 45 Mbps, so that with a ratio of greater bandwidth availability, it is hoped the students can more freely access the lecture materials, research and final project.

Source: UR Portfolio2010

PUSKOM provides computer services for university staffs and students. Over the years PUSKOM has increased its quality especially for internet services. University of Riau has upgraded its network bandwidth capacity from 10 Mbps in 2007 to 45 Mbps in 2009. This effort is taken in order to fulfill the need of students and lecturers in accessing materials for lectures, researches and final projects.

6. Unit Pelayanan dan Pengembangan Bahasa (UP2B) (Language Development and Services Unit)

UP2B building is located near the Faculty of Teacher’s Training and Education. Its function is to provide services to students and staffs in order to enhance their language skills, especially English, through the fully equipped language lab. The establishment of the building itself was funded by Chevron Texaco Foundation and in October 1996 it was officially operated.

7. Poliklinik (Polyclinic)

The polyclinic provides free health services for all UR students and staffs. Health services offered: general health, dental, medical specialists, laboratory examination, nutritional counseling, psychological consultation and ambulance.

Operational Hours:

Monday – Thursday : 08.30 – 12.00. 13.30 – 16.30
Friday : 08.30 – 11.00. 13.30 – 16.30
Saturday : 08.30 – 12.00. 13.30 – 16.30

Psychological Consultation

Monday : 09 – 12.00
Thursday : 09 – 12.00

Treatment Requirements

Student : Shows Student Identity Card (KTM), for students who do not have a KTM to show proof of payment slip semester.
Employee :Shows the employee’s certificate

General : There are no administrative requirements, especially for the general public who will get treatment.

8. Kantor Urusan Internasional-KUI (International Office)

KUI was officially established in January 2011. Its main purpose is to promote UR to other universities outside Indonesia as well as to bridge cooperation between UR and other institutions from outside Indonesia. These include: joint international researches, guest lectures and exchange students. In addition to that, KUI also responsible in assisting UR’s lectures whose planning to or already studying abroad and welcoming and supporting incoming students from other countries in UR.

9. Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa-BEM (Students’ Union)

BEM who was formerly the student senate (SEMA) which headquarter in LPM building. Student Union UR is a student organization in University of Riau which serve as the executive branch.

The Purpose of the Establishment:

Make the Student Union University of Riau as a student institution an active, inclusive, and progressive.
Accomodate students in academic and non-academic things like leadership and others.
An aspiration container internal students in campus

Benefits establishment:

Combining academic values and creatifity student.

Right and Obligations:

Implementing and upholding the principle objective of University of Riau student organization.
BEM must uphold PUOK University of Riau.
Make decisions that were deemed necessary in carry out the work guidelines BEM.
BEM can represent UR students both inside or out.
BEM establish coordination with executive agencies and UKM University of Riau faculty.
Form a selection committee highway University of Riau.

10. UR Press

University of Riau Press was established in accordance with the steady growth of the world of publication in Indonesia and the need of University of Riau for a press. Scientific writing and publication seem to be the steps towards the development of culture. The malay culture, particularly its language, for instance, has developed rapidly after the masterpiece of Rusydiah Kelab members was published by the Ahmadiah Publication, Singapore. This has become a stepping stone for University of Riau such an intelectual activity by publishing any work or scientific writings which are relevant to the development of the Malay land.

The support of this press founding in line with developing of publish world in Indonesia and generally in Riau, it is show the meaningfull acceleration, university press is one of educated meassurement of academic people and it still be society interest. A number of books and had been released by UNRI Press, share funded, UNRI Press, by itself or share funded with others.

11. Koperasi Pegawai Negeri (Civil Servants Cooperative)

University of Riau cooperative holds an important role in improving the welfare of all the university members. As one of the non-structural centers, the cooperative provides services suh as saving and loan, cafetaria, photocopying, on credit sale, and electric bill services.

Saving and loan are the main activity of the cooperative for which more mutual profit may be obtained. So far, the university members have felt that the cooperative has much assisted them to meet their needs, such as building houses, sending children to schools, having medical treatment, facing “lebaran” and other needs.

On the other hand, cafetaria also gives more income of the cooperative. There,many kinds of food are available that can fulfill the needs of the campus people, even public. Photocopy service is quite profitable and beneficial to both cooperative and its members. The cooperative, too, provides many kinds of things that can be purchased on credit that may be made payable through the monthly salary.

In addition, the electric bill service has been done in cooperation with the National Electric Company (PLN) since February 1989. The service is provided for University of Riau people and the community who live near by campus.

12. Wisma Universitas Riau (UR Guest House)

Part of its service to the university guests, UR provides several guest houses that are located in Diponegoro street (adjacent to Pattimura campus) and in Dumai (near the Marine Department).

13. Mesjid Universitas Riau Ar-Faunnas dan Akramunas (Mosques)

UR has two mosque established together by UNRI academic civitas, they are Akramunnas Mosque located at Ronggowarsito and Ar-Faunnas Mosque located at Bina Widya Campus. Akramunas Mosque complex has a library and discussion room where students and public can read books especially about islamic lesson. Ar-Faunnas Mosque in Binawidya Campus is 27x27m in size and build in two floors. The first floor is used for a library and discussion room and the second floor is used for praying.

14. Fasilitas Olahraga (Sport facilities)

From football and basketball fields to rock climbing wall and stadium, UR has demonstrated its support to students and staffs who share interests in sports. The university believes that sports can develop fairness and teamwork among students and staffs which contribute to a better academic atmosphere. These sport facilities are also open for public use.


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