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About Hanshop Kustia

Hanshop Kustia is a beauty salon. Visit their website twitter.com for more detailed information.

You can get your hippies things on this page. Order it, pay it, and have it. Happy shopping Sista:)


Please take time to read the Terms and Condition below. By making purchase from Hanshop Kustia means you agree to the terms and condition set below. Thank you.

1. Pemesanan dapat dilakukan melalui:
* PM (personal message) di inbox

2. Pembayaran dilakukan paling lambat 2 hari setelah pemesanan. Jika kami tidak menerima konfirmasi pembayaran setelah 2 hari, maka kami berhak membatalkan order.

3. Kami menerima pembayaran lewat paypal dan bank transfer. Info akan diberikan pada saat order konfirmasi. Untuk bank transfer, mohon mengirim email setelah transfer.

4. Barang akan kami kirim 2-3 hari kerja setelah pembayaran kami terima dan tracking number akan dikirim lewat email. Paket dapat di track lewat www.usps.com

5. Barang yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat ditukar atau dikembalikan.

-EMAIL : kustiaputri@yahoo.com

7. Barang dikirim langsung dari Amerika, jadi mohon kesabarannya ya.. Paket sampai sekitar 2-3 minggu. Ada beberapa barang yang mungkin terkena bea cukai di sisi penerima paket.

Happy Shopping!!

1. We take order from:
a. PM (Personal Message) of Facebook's Inbox

2. Payments is due 2 days after the order is placed. Orders unpaid on due date, will be canceled.

3. We accept payments through Paypal or bank transfer.

4. We normally ship items out within 2-3 business days after payment confirmation and tracking number will be emailed to you. You can track your package from: www.usps.com.

5. We don't accept returns or exchange on items sold. Please make your selections carefully.

6. For questions please contact us at:

7. We ship items directly from USA. It takes around 2-3 weeks to get the item. Please be patient :)

Happy Shopping!!

For future info :
Pin BB : 762437D0
kik : HanshopKustia
Twitter : www.twitter.com/HanshopKustia
Facebook : www.facebook.com/HanshopKustia
Instagram : instagram.com/HanshopKustia

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