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About Footprint Pranic Healing Clinic

Footprint Pranic Healing Clinic. They can be contacted via phone at +628121886654, visit their website t.me for more detailed information.

Distance healing for many disease, physical & mentally.
- Can help kidney, pankreas regeneration, also stroke & cancer, many others
- Trauma & Stress



Setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami masalah dan beban berat dalam hidupnya. Saat saat dimana mereka bilang, "Tuhan.., Engkau dimana...? Apakah Engkau ada...?!!! Karena problema hidup yang menghimpit dan akhirnya tidak ada jalan keluar, kalimat seperti itu sangat biasa terjadi.

Footprint-Pranic-Healer-Clinic, ingin mengatasi masalah Anda, baik itu ketika Anda sakit yang sudah berobat kemana mana tetapi belum sembuh juga. Ataupun ketika , permasalahan hubungan, trauma dan kepahitan yang dialami.

Kami ada sebagai Jejak kaki Tuhan, sehingga melalui kehadiran kami, Anda bisa mengatakan, "Keajaiban itu Ada, dan Tuhan masih hadir melalui penyembuhan prana".

Everyone has encountered a problem and a burden in his life. When the moment where they say, "God .., You where ...? Are you there ...? !!! Because life's problems that choke and finally no way out, a sentence like that is very common.

Footprint-Pranic-Healer-Clinic, want to solve your problem, be it when you are sick who already went nowhere but has not healed well. Or when, relationship issues, trauma and bitterness experienced.

We were there as the footprints of God, so that through our presence, you could say, "There's magic was, and God is still present through pranic healing".

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