About Dr Ahmad Maulidizen
Dr Ahmad Maulidizen is located at Jakarta. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Ahmad Maulidizen was born in Bogor on October 19, 1988. He is a Lecturer at ESQ Business School, Certified Shariah Supervisory Board by Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), and a Doctor of Shariah Economics at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Master of Shariah at the University of Malaya (2016). While Bachelor of Shariah Economics at the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (2010-2014).
In addition, he is one of the awardees of the Thesis and Dissertation Scholarship of Lembaga Dana Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) Year 2016 for Dissertation research. Currently, he is active as a Lecturer and Shariah Supervisory Board of several companies. He also speaks on Islamic Economics and Finance at national and international seminars. He is also a reviewer at the international reputaion Journal of Scopus and the accreditation journal of Kemenristekdikti (SINTA). He also actively writes in various magazines and articles on the contemporary issues of Islamic Economics and Finance.
He has published over 52 articles in a reputation journal at the national & international levels.