About CMM Translation
CMM Translation is a company, located at Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 20000, Indonesia. Visit their website www.cmmtranslation.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
CMM Translation is 100% Indonesian owned. Moreover, it is founded and run bylocal, highly experienced translators with outstanding record in the field oftranslation services.Back in 2015, we launched with a thought: every multilingual conversation mustbe as effective as uni-lingual conversation. Big budget agencies with fancyequipment and expensive translators cannot guarantee that mutualunderstanding will be achieved. You need an insight driven translator with astrong sense of knowledge and respect towards local values.So we set up our own agency, creating our online and offline presence to put uscloser to our clients, anytime, anywhere.We work beyond translation. We value your time and investment. Hence, weprovide you with not only reliable and fast translation from English toIndonesian and vice versa, but also a full range of customized language serviceswhich will help you and your business partners arrive on the same page in everycommunication.