Arkavallis Group - Property Design and Build
About Arkavallis Group - Property Design and Build
Arkavallis Group - Property Design and Build is located at Jl. Kesehatan Raya no.20b, Bintaro, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at 085710157443, visit their website for more detailed information.
We create space, depand on all aspects of human and artistic.
Formed as a company by the name of P.T. Arkavallis Group (ArkG), originated from five architecture students from Trisakti university, Angga Wiyantama as managing director, Rian Rahman Nadirlan as finance director, Februe Arya Prabawa as director Marketing, Ferry Hardi Zein as director operations, and Rega Herianto as personnel director, with help of Mr. La Wanafie that support these companies can be formed
Starting from a study group to work on the task, until now handles various architectural plans ranging from housing developers, educational, commercial, retail, to religious buildings.
Doing architectural, interior design, furniture manufacturing and others.