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About 1st Sumatera English competition - EROS

1st Sumatera English competition - EROS is located at jl.wr supratman, Bengkulu, Bengkulu 38371A. Visit their website www.SEC-EROS.blogspot.com for more detailed information.

The 1st Sumatera English Competition (SEC) is the first English Competition (DeBate Competition, Speech Contest, Scrabble, Newscasting,and story teling) for Sumatera region,Presented by English Depatment Student Association (EDSA) Bengkulu University



The 1st Sumatera English Competition (SEC) is an English competition (Debate, Speech, Newscasting, Storytelling and Scrabble) which will be held by English Department Students Assosiation of University of Bengkulu in March 2011. All participants and the committee of the competition will be the members of an English Community named English Relationship of Sumatera (EROS). Hopefully, in the future, EROS will become an active organization of the English language lovers. The secretariat of SEC- EROS is at the office of the EDSA at FKIP Building of University of Bengkulu on Jalan W.R. Supratman Kandang Limun Bengkulu.


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