About Sekolah Dian Harapan Lippo Village
Sekolah Dian Harapan Lippo Village is a school. They can be contacted via phone at +62215461001, visit their website sdh.or.id for more detailed information.
Sekolah Dian Harapan Lippo Village
Education is the source of knowledge. With limited education the growth of a country will be restrained. Indonesia is a country with a potential to transform into a better country. A country exeedingly abundant with human resources, yet restrained with insufficient literacy. These facts have been discovered and have become a constant struggle for two great men who have dedicated their lives into improving education; James Riady and Johanes Oentoro.
When will every child enjoy education? When will they create the future? These questions became their dread and became the fuel to their spirits, strengthening their determination to participate in building the society. Our Founding Fathers first investigated schools accross Indonesia; including schools that are concealed or hidden. The results came to a conclusion, the ultimate answer to their struggles. The greatest obstacle for educational equalization in Indonesia, and other developing countries, was none other than limited funds.
With this answer, they created a vision. A vision for every children to be able to receive proper education and create a better future. To realize this vision, the two Fathers established Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan, in order to help these children to receive the education they longed for. From YPPH, schools with visions of True Knowledge, Faith in Christ and Godly character, were built… equipped with the mission to proclaim the preeminence of Christ and engaging in redemptive restoration of all things in Him through holistic education.
The Journey of the Founding Fathers began with Sekolah Pelita Harapan (1993), that became a prime model for their other educational institution, followed by Universitas Pelita Harapan (1994), Sekolah Dian Harapan (1995), and in 1998, Sekolah Lentera Harapan was finally launched. This very school is the answer James Riady and Johanes Oentoro provided, designed to give a chance for every children to receive education, especially for children whose families are economically-challenged and live in remote areas. Similar with the other Pelita Harapan schools, every students in SLH is driven not only to grow mentally, but also morally and spiritually. Every students is equipped with skills to provide them to work and mold the millennium.