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GINDO is located at Lippo Village, Jln. boulevard palem raya, klp. dua, Tangerang 15831. Visit their website ginjakarta.org for more detailed information.

Global Issues Network SPHLV is an organization that aims to empower students with the ability to solve our shared Global Issues.



The Global Issues Network (GIN) is a global institution founded by students in Luxembourg that is now run in over 100 countries and comprises of more than 90,000 students worldwide.

Since 2013, GIN is run at Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo Village (SPHLV) by students who share a common passion to make a local change, for a global impact.

Consisting of over 50 students from grades 7-12, us students are empowered to share our ideas, thoughts and unique skills, synthesizing them to make positive changes. By starting small, students are able to practice and hone their skills to expand their ideas into bigger ones; ideas that seek to accomplish one goal – to solve global issues that trouble our beloved nation:

1. Climate Change

2. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Losses

3. Fisheries Depletion

4. Deforestation

5. Water Deficits

6. Maritime Safety and Pollution

7. Massive Step-Up in the Fight Against Poverty

8. Peacekeeping, Conflict Prevention, Combating Terrorism

9. Education for All

10. Global Infectious Diseases

11. Digital Divide

12. Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

13. Reinventing Taxation for the Twenty-First Century

14. Biotechnology Rules

15. Global Financial Architecture

16. Illegal drugs

17. Trade, Investment, and Competition Rules

18. Intellectual Property Rights

19. E-commerce Rules

20. International Labor and Migration Rules


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