About Su Casa Guest House
Su Casa Guest House is a lodging. They can be contacted via phone at 6281360039414, visit their website sucasaguesthouse.webs.com for more detailed information.
"Nuestra Casa Es Su Casa" "Stay in Our Guest House, You Will Get What You Need"
Kami mengutamakan kebersihan, kehangatan, motel yg terjangkau, dan akomodasi perjalanan untuk keluarga, perusahaan, pegawai negeri, pekerja, dan para backpacker dengan suasana kekeluargaan. Su Casa terletak di pusat kota, stasiun bus terdekat, Bandara Sultan Iskandar Muda, rumah sakit, kantor polisi dan banyak supermarket dan pasar tradisional lainnya, memberikan Anda kenyamanan menjelajahi daerah-daerah setempat.
We are a clean, warm, budget motel with self-contained accommodation for families, corporates, public servants, workers and backpackers in a friendly family atmosphere.
The Su Casa is conveniently located in the center of the city, access to bus station, Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport, the hospital, police station and plenty of supermarkets and traditional markets, giving you the convenience of exploring the local area. If you want to treat your stay like you're at home, our flats and units are self-contained, offering you the opportunity to relax inside and prepare your own meals with simplicity.