Congrès de la Société Francophone de Brûlologie
About Congrès de la Société Francophone de Brûlologie
Congrès de la Société Francophone de Brûlologie is a hospital, located at 5 Rue de Valmy, Nantes, Pays de la Loire 44000, France. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
The 42nd SFB congress (September 6-8, 2023), to be held in Nantes, will be a joint congress with the 20th EBA congress (September 6-9, 2023). The theme of the SFB congress will be universal, transversal, and shared by all the professionals of our learned society: the ethical dimensions in burns medicine. With the support of crossed testimonies from health and social professionals, burn patients and burn specialists, these days invite an enlightened and multidisciplinary analysis on the issue of ethics, limitation or cessation of active therapies and end of life in the care of burn patients. This is a subject that affects both the intimacy of families and society as a whole. How far should we go in terms of medical and surgical care for patients whose after-effects will be very heavy on the psychological, physical and socio-professional levels? How can we manage patients who are sometimes very old and/or have significant comorbidities? How to evaluate the impact of these after-effects on the patient, especially if he/she arrives under sedation? During the round tables, we will try to bring together actors from different centers around clinical situations that we have been confronted with. We will be fortunate to receive Mr. Alain Claeys (co-author of the Claeys-Leonetti law 2016 and currently a member of the CCNE). He will bring his point of view to our debate during a conference. We will broaden our horizon with a presentation by Dr. Manfredi Ventura, from Charleroi, who is a reference in Belgium on the issue of the end of life. Their interventions as "non specialists" in burns will give a different perspective to our ethical questions. We hope that the exchanges within the SFB, but also with the EBA, will be rich and convivial.