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Faroe Maritime Technic


About Faroe Maritime Technic

Faroe Maritime Technic is a company, located at 3 Bryggjan, Vágur 900, Faroe Islands. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

FMT - Faroe Maritime Technic FMT provides a total solution for treating oily sludge and contaminated bilge water and has developed two unique solutions.1. Oil Conveyor, OC2. Sludge Dewatering Evaporator, SDEThe solutions are developed for the marine industry, but the same need is on power plants on shore.OIL CONVEYOR treats the contaminated bilge water by skimming the oil from the surface. The skimmed oil is then pumped into a special designed settling tube for final treatment. Onboard any ship OC helps the Oily Water Separator, OWS to function without problems, because OC cleans the bilge water before it is pumped through the OWS. On shore plants OC precleans the waste water, so the filter consumption is kept to an acceptable level.SLUDGE DEWATERING EVAPORATOR treats the oily sludge by evaporating the water out of the oily sludge and turning the rest into waste oil. On average the water content of oily sludge generated from purifiers is more than 60%. Hence here is a possibility of reducing the sludge volume by 60% or more. Please go to our website www.fmt.fo or Facebook profile > faroemaritimetechnic



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