About MCIF Suvavou Division
MCIF Suvavou Division is a church, located at Suva City, Fiji
From its humble beginning of 10 souls the Suvavou Division has grown to cover three (3) circuits, over 13 churches and over 2800 members
The Methodist Church in Fiji began its fellowship services in 1958 but it was not until a year later in December 1959 when the new Suvavou Church opened its doors formalising a permanent presence in the village. The Church came under the direction of the Suva Division before the establishment of the new Suvavou Circuit. In 1993 saw another transformation when the Circuit was elevated into the new Suvavou Division and has remain so until today. With this evolution saw the appointment of Suvavou’s first Division Minister the Reverend Setareki Nasilivata followed by Rev. Isikeli Koroi, he was replaced by Rev. Apete Toko when the former passed on during his call of duty. Rev. Ratu Isireli Caucau, was the next appointee to the position when he was elected by the Methodist Church in Fiji, his term went on for the normal five year and was substituted by Rev. Maikeli Vosaki. Rev. Josefa Sewale was temporarily appointed to the post when Rev. Vosaki passed on before the completion of his term. Rev. Osea Bera continued with the leadership role in the Division until the expiry of his term in 2010
From its humble beginning of ten souls the Suvavou Division has grown to cover three circuits, over 13 churches and over two thousand eight hundred (2800) church members. The Reverend Kalivati Nagata Ravoka from Mataveikai, Saivou, Ra is the presiding Division Minister at Suvavou today after decades of ministering throughout Fiji.
Suvavou Division boundaries extends from the west of Delainavesi road to the hills of Naboro including the prison complex combine semi urban, village and rural settlement and inherits a negative socio-economical stereotyping image in terms of national development in Fiji. Its total population of 20529 (Fijian: 16562, Indian: 1013, others: 2954) could be enumerated in the following way: The Fijian population is shared amongst other denominations, the Lami Methodist Church Division and the Suva Methodist Church Division.
A two storey building which constitute of the headquarters and the minister’s residence was razed to the ground on the 8th of November 2013 leaving the ministerial family without anything but the clothes they wore. They were evacuated to a nearby abandoned workshop for three weeks whilst a 2 bedroom house donated by the Government was under construction. We acknowledge the quick and generous response from the government through the rural housing scheme for the timely donation to provide a roof for the family due to the unforeseen and unfortunate incident that prevail the smooth day to day operation of our church and its ecclesiastic obligation to Fiji.
The two storey building at Kenani Vou was officially opened in 1973 after years of toil from church members to accommodate the ministerial residence and the Suvavou circuit headquarters. The building was later used for the Suvavou Division when the circuit was elevated to Division status in year 2000
This project hopes to restore all that was lost to a better state.