Sustainable Maritime Services
About Sustainable Maritime Services
Sustainable Maritime Services is a company, located at Suva, Central Division, Fiji. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
As Fiji is party to various IMO instruments, Sustainable Maritime Services strive to achieve requirements therewith, at the same time fulfill the requirements of climate change. For a start we consist of Masters Graduates of the World Maritime University (WMU) and will be reaching out to our WMU contacts in other parts of the pacific region.There is a vast range of services that SMS is able to provide: We provide specific training in various areas in the maritime field and if you need other maritime training, the company is able to accommodate.1. International Safety Management Audit and documentations2. Maritime Security Courses and Audit - PFSO3. Maritime Training of Trainers4. Green House Gas and Energy Efficient Control5. IMSAS Auditor6. Maritime Investigation courseConsultationWe provide expert technical consultation on the following and many more maritime areas:I. Anti – Fouling II. Glo – Fouling III. Marine Debris IV. Energy EfficientV. Port Waste Reception FacilityVI. Maritime and Port SecurityVII. Ballast Water ManagementVIII. Maritime InvestigationAuditing;We provide auditing essential maritime services in the following areas below.I. International Safety ManagementII. Maritime Ship and Ports SecurityIII. Maritime Labour ConventionIV. STCWProject Management:SMS is able to do specific Maritime Projects in terms of research, data collection and Analysis as per below for Climate Change and other relevant topics:I. GHGII. Maritime Invasive SpeciesIII. Coastal Ocean PhIV. Marine Debris V. Glo-Fouling VI. Glo- LitterVII. BIO-FoulingSafety Awareness:Fiji is a Maritime country where safety is paramount. It is vital that safety measures and regulations are implemented on vessels in Fiji and the Pacific waters. SMS is able to assist the maritime stakeholders in training and implementing safety procedures on sea vessels and other maritime facilities.