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About Institut Universitaire Bilingue Rehoboth

Institut Universitaire Bilingue Rehoboth is located at Opposite Ministère de la Culture & du Tourisme, (Musée Adande), Oganla, 22921, Porto-Novo, Benin. Visit their website www.univeritebilinguerehoboth.org for more detailed information.

Istitut Universitaire Bilingue Rehoboth is a private university approved by the government of the Republic of Benin, Porto-Novo.



Institut Universitaire Bilingue Rehoboth (IUBR) Rehoboth is a university established by a scholar and a decade university administrator, Peniel-Mahamat Djimet AMANE on the 14th November, 2013 under strict regulation of the National Consultative Council of the Republic of Benin. It is a technical, scientific, cultural and professional research and training institution placed under the tutelage of the Ministry of Higher Education, Republic of Benin.

The university aims to become a citadel of knowledge based on the reflexes of research and professional training piloted by the 'Conseil Afric ain et Malgache pour l'Enseignement Supérieur' CAMES, the body of accreditation of universities of francophone countries.

Institut Universitaire Bilingue Rehoboth (IUBR) is established to contribute, through technical and professional training, and scientific research, to the realization of expected results aimed at by African States come year 2020.

Our mission is to harmonize thus integrate the education policies of francophone, Anglophone, Spanish, and Arabic speaking countries to arrive at that synergy that will contribute to the demystification and the resolution of the myriads of problems Africans face in the era of globalization.


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