BICADEC International Consulting
About BICADEC International Consulting
BICADEC International Consulting is located at Avenue de l'Amitié, Bujumbura, Bujumbura Mairie, Burundi. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Our Vision Statement BICADEC International Consulting Ltd is committed to being the leader and innovative center of excellence in capacity development programs, Entrepreneurship and business research. Quality shall be the hallmark of all its undertaking including business research, Entrepreneurship and service delivery to its students, clients, staff and the community at large. Our Mission Statement To connect people, ideas, and organizations by designing customized cultural and professional exchanges as well as capacity building solutions. Our programs help current and future leaders to share knowledge, grow professionally, improve their institutions, and enhance mutual understanding throughout Burundi and abroad. BICADEC International Consulting Services Ltd. Burundi International Capacity Development and Entrepreneurship Center (BICADEC) aims to be world-class capacity building organization established to provide human skills development globally. BICADEC is a private initiative, registered and recognized by the Government of Burundi. Its core mission is to support Gouvernements, Civil Society Organizations and the Private sector to enhance the productive capabilities of their human capital for sustained productivity and performance in the context of sustainable development and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. Our Continuing Professional Development Programs (CPDP) are responsive to the needs of organizations from many country all around the world. BICADEC is a network that links leading Internationalists who are high level officials with experience and expertise from the private and public sector institutions. They possess high level academic and professional qualifications from top Universities and leading educational Institutions around the world. The diversity of our structure reflects our true international profile.